Broad-spectrum oxytetracycline is effective against various bacterial diseases, including pinkeye, pneumonia<(>,<)> shipping

fever, foot rot, diphtheria, bacterial scours, metritis, wound infections, leptospirosis (L. pomona) and wooden tongue. Ready to

use. No mixing, refrigeration or special handling needed. One dose delivers 3 days of sustained therapy. Fewer injections mean less

labor and animal stress. Beef-Friendly™ subcutaneous (SC) option is available to minimize risk of carcass blemish. Approved for use

in lactating dairy cows. Administered by SC or IV injection to beef and dairy cattle and calves, including pre-ruminating veal

calves. Single dosage of 9 mg/lb is recommended for treatment of bacterial pneumonia (shipping fever) associated with Pasteurella

spp. and Haemophilus spp. in calves and yearlings or infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (pinkeye) caused by Moraxella bovis.

For treatment of foot rot and other indicated diseases, a dosage of 3-5 mg/lb body weight per day is recommended. 96 hour milk

withhold, 28 day pre-slaughter withdrawal.